Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Letter to Julia 201109015

Hi Julia, my beautiful love! My, it's mid-September already, huh? It should be autumn in Salt lake City by now, maybe there's a little residual heat left there from summer. I do love the cool air of autumn in the mountains and the falling leaves, just like I love the first snowfall of winter. Here it's always most pleasant right after the rain stops. There is soooo much life in the Malaysian countryside, and the animals are very active right after the rain. Lately it's been raining a lot, again. We were right on the edge of another massive flood, again. Some areas did wind up flooding, but God kept my village right on the edge. We've been on the edge of flooding quite frequently recently.

I have been taking it slow as usual, there's no point in rushing for me, especially with what I do, and the condition of global media as it is. When Allah makes it happen, then it will happen... then you'd better get ready, because I'll be coming out to get you, and marry you. I'll try to slow it down, but you should know how Allah works by now. It would seem that things happen all of a sudden, when there was actually quite a lengthy and massive buildup. That's why we must be patient, and put our trust in Allah.

Meanwhile, I made another batch of chili. Ah, this one is an excellent batch, since I'm in no real hurry, so it's been cooking slowly for about 7 hours already. It's still not done yet, it'll probably be ready by midnight, just in time for a snack. Ah, chili is heavenly when the beans break up right at its saturation point. So much flavor! That's why you must never add potatoes in chili, for potatoes saturate sooner than beans, and ruin the flavor. A good bowl of chili is one of the best foods in the world, even though it's poor man's food. It occured to me at the 7th hour that I should have made some bread, but I forgot, and now I'm too lazy. Tortillas are a pain in the ass to roll out by hand, anyway. I should have bought a tortilla press while I was in Arizona. Well, I wouldn't have been able to bring it back here. I had some sourdough starter in my cooler. Yeah, I learned the art of sourdough while I was in Salt Lake City. So instead of bread, I made sourdough pancakes to go with the chili. Which didn't work, because I guzzled all the pancakes already, and the chili's not ready yet. Something about sourdough pancakes, it doesn't need anything else.

Sourdough is definitely something that takes patience, after all, you're not going to get that flavor from fresh flour. So you be patient too, and do not transgress. A woman of your position (and mine) simply does not have any room to transgress anymore because it will be noticed immediately, and all you worked for up until now will go up in flames. Maintain your prayers, in the mornings and evenings. Good things remove that which is evil, please remember that. Be firm in patience, and let the world see how firm you are, For Allah will not allow the reward of the righteous to be lost.

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