Friday, August 12, 2011

Letter to Julia 20110813


Aaaaaaaa! Suddenly, there's too much to do! But this should only last for another 8 hours, but I do need to get some rest within, and eat! It is 4:49am... hold on, let me grab a bowl of rice gruel... This stuff is actually quite good, even though it sounds biblical (Quranic, rather): I cook up some onions with curry spices, dried chillis, soy sauce, and chopped up shrimp heads, then add some mackerel fillets and fried shrimp to the gruel.

As you may have guessed, success in the entertainment business means that one acts as a sort of brand name. This is not necessarily the same kind of advertising or self-advertising say a politician or wealthy property owner does to increase his/her wealth: it could be purer and more "grass roots" than that. That is my situation insyaAllah, and yours too, since I choose you to be my spouse. Now, those who receive the money (while I don't) are not happy about this matter, and they constantly try to exact revenge. Revenge! Apparently, greed is not enough. This circle of influence is very wide, rich to poor, ranging within many countries, businesses, and religions. Including Islam. Now, many people get intoxicated when doing business deals with the Arabs because they have an idiotic picture in their heads as all Arabs being oil billionaires, but most Arabs are everyday people, like the rest of the world. So don't you get any stereotypes in your head about Arabs being your spiritual superior in Islam when you meet them: remember that prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) was sent to the Arabs. You just worry about keeping your relationship with God sincere.

It really sucks that we have to conduct our love at the edge of war, but human history has always been about war. Perfection is only available in the next life, and that is the point of the religion of Allah. And please don't envy those billionaires: everybody is the same when they are at the edge of death.

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