Sunday, June 19, 2011

Letter to Julia 20110620

Have you been eating properly? I look at your photos, and sometimes I see that you are too thin, wearing a dress that's too small. One image that sticks out in my mind is an ad by Dolce and Gabbana, with 3 models (including you) in the forest- so emaciated! Do they think that's beauty? Or art? Such deathly thin models DO NOT flatter the clothes that they are wearing. If they want to show off a size 2 dress, then get a small model! Someone who's 5'2"! Don't force a model who is 5'11" into a size 2! I see everywhere many flattering photos of small women with beautiful clothes. Don't they know how to make people look good in photographs? Keep the girls healthy, and fit them with the right size!

Anyway, the message today is about those who forbid the sustenance of others. They come up with excuses to restrict food and income, so they can hog and control, for whatever reason. Some of them behave like mobsters, then expect others to consider them as civilized, and "developed"! And like those fashion photos, they think that other people don't notice. I remember Phoenix, Arizona which is close to Mexico. There is a huge number of undocumented aliens close to the border. The financial condition of many Mexicans is frustratingly poor, because most of the area is controled by mobsters. Owning a small business means getting a loan from the mob, because they are the ones with the money- drug money, that is. So these people run to the north to escape the iron fist, but they are illegal aliens. So it is easy for the iron fist to follow them. Though it's not as easy to enforce mob rule in USA as opposed to Mexico, it still gets done.

This is definitely a god complex, to forcibly restrict the sustenance of others. And anybody with a god complex (or follows a tyrant) certainly doesn't believe in God, because they hold others as equals to God: namely themselves. And they get away with it because they impose fear. However, there is always a bigger gun, and it could be pointing at them from thousands of miles away. And God holds the biggest gun of all.

Anyway, I would like you to stay at a size 7. I think you are naturally thin anyway, and filling out a size 7 is most flattering for you, and probably most healthy too. Go out and enjoy food with your buddies. The simple rules are: no pig, no carrion, no blood, and make sure you say, "In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful" before the first bite/sip. Have a ribeye steak for me! I can't afford meat right now, but the house my mother gave me has plenty of fruit trees, so I'm OK for now, alhamdulillah. Please pray for us, my beloved.

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