Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Qur'an 20080115

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

59. Say: "Praise be to Allah, and Peace on God's servants whom God has chosen. Is better? Allah or the false gods they associate?"

60. Or, who has created the heavens and the earth, and who sends you down rain from the sky? Yea, with it We cause to grow well-planted orchards full of beauty and delight. It is not in your power to cause the growth of the trees in them. God besides Allah? Nay, they are a people who swerve from justice.

61. Or, who has made the earth firm to live in, made rivers in its midst, set thereon mountains immovable, and made a separating bar between the two bodies of flowing water? God besides Allah? Nay, most of them know not.

62. Or, who listens to the distressed when it calls on God, who relieves its suffering, and makes you inheritors of the earth? God besides Allah? Little it is that you heed!

63. Or, who guides you through the depths of darkness on land and sea, and who sends the winds as heralds of glad tidings, going before God's mercy? God besides Allah? High is Allah above what they associate with God!

64. Or, who originates Creation, then repeats it, and who gives you sustenance from heaven and earth? God besides Allah? Say, "Bring forth your argument, if you are telling the truth!"

The Ants 27:59-64

Praise be to Allah, and Peace on God's servants whom God has chosen. Is better? Allah or the false gods they associate?

Bring forth your argument, if you are telling the truth!

Only God is self-sufficient, people are not. People need each other for trade and nurturing, and above that people need God for innumerable sustenance, large and small. While humans till the soil and plant the seed, they are not the ones to create the soil and cause the seed to grow. Neither can they make the sunlight nor the rain.

God is the one who provides sustenance and guidance to whomever God pleases. Whoever God wills to save and protect, no one can harm. To associate others with God is a distorted way of thought, ignorant, apathetic and just plain small-minded.

When humans are in trouble, and at the end of their resources, they find themselves praying for mercy. Who do they pray to? Only God listens the ones in trouble, and changes their condition for the better. Unhappily, when most humans are free from suffering, they forget God, and absorb themselves in themselves.

There is only one God,and we all rely on God, even for the smallest things.

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