Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Monday, December 30, 2024

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Or you could get bored

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

56.  Say, "I am forbidden to worship those other than Allah, whom you call upon."  Say, "I will not follow your vain desires.  If I did, I would stray from the path, and be not of the company of those who receive guidance."

The Cattle 6:56

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas, Grace


I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

64.  Or Who originates creation then repeats it, and Who gives you sustenance from heaven and earth?  God besides Allah?  Say, "Bring forth your argument, if you are telling the truth!"

The Ants 27:64

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Monday, December 23, 2024

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Friday, December 20, 2024

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Monday, December 16, 2024

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Friday, December 13, 2024

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Communication breakdown


On rare occasions when the numbers add up, I implement onto this blog what I call a "communication breakdown".  That's when I don't say anything other than a video from YouTube and an occasional verse from the Qur'an, beginning tomorrow for 100 days.  This time the communication breakdown coincides with the first couple of months of the second reign of El Trumpo.  Grace, I will message you.  InshaAllah.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Do it yourself


Looks like NYC worked out well for you!  Of course, you prefer California.  We all know that.  Say, that Marshall stack really matches your hair, but you plugged into the Supro instead.  I would love to plug into a cranked up Marshall, that might be my dying wish.  I'm self taught as well.  I was a drum teacher at Yamaha once upon a time, and being self taught didn't help me when teaching.  It also didn't help that I didn't care much about music theory.  How can you teach self-motivation?  Does music come from the head or from the heart with you?  In the end, my heart was in being a creator rather than a teacher.

Eventually music becomes production, so being one instrument isn't enough.  If you can afford it, you could get people to complete the production.  Not for me, though.  I had to complete the production by myself to fulfill the vision.  Other people can really mess with your vision.  Try not to keep snarling at people, though.  Your face will turn into a snarl, and you won't be pretty anymore.  Check the mirror.  Money, huh!

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

13.  Or they may say, "He forged it".  Say, "Bring you then ten Surahs forged like unto it, and call whomsoever you can besides Allah, if you speak the truth".

Hud 11:13

Monday, December 9, 2024

Tomorrow never dies


I love that little fluffy boa!  How are you feeling, by the way?  Do you like NY or LA better?  You must feel like you're in a spy movie.  Well, you're not.  You don't dress like the girls in the video below.  It's exciting though, right?  Don't worry about me, I've already chosen you and I'm a pretty stubborn guy.  You just guard your chastity and stick to your stream with Mary, OK!

Sunday, December 8, 2024

The doors of perception


That's a beautiful dress!  You look positively fabulous, Honey.  Short boots would have worked better, though.  And Flava Flav looks much better nowadays.

You should read something while you're jetting around.  Lyrics are difficult.  You need to practice, by reading and writing.  Words need to be written down and recorded like riffs.

Saturday, December 7, 2024



Did I spook you, Honey?  I'm sorry about that.  I've gotten so used to corruption that I've forgotten how to smile.  You're going to need your courage to play live so don't lose your balls, Lioness.

Did you play in Atlanta recently?  I didn't see that in your schedule.  I'm suspicious of the data I get from Instagram about you, especially notifications and time stamps.  Whenever I message you, please acknowledge that you receive my message.  A simple "OK" will do.

As for the music, make sure you are always evolving and not just playing the same thing over and over again.  You might find it intimidating to be the only writer, but you're not the Beatles.  Right?  So get used to putting the music together on your own.  Only you can feel how you feel.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

26.  Say, "O Allah!  Lord of Power, You give power to whom You please and You strip off power from whom You please: You endue with honor whom You please and You bring low whom You please.  In Your hand is all good.  Verily, over all things You have Power".

The Family of Imran 3:26

81.  And say, "Truth has arrived and falsehood perished, for falsehood is bound to perish".

The Night Journey 17:81

Friday, December 6, 2024

The showbiz connection


Welcome to the cat network!  If that were a male, then it would be a tuxedo.  The alpha male is a dirty white boy with a long fluffy tail.  I also have a male calico (very rare!).  If female, then calico or tuxedo.  Mama cat is an American shorthair wannabe.  If none of the above, then that cat isn't part of my gang.  Cats love to copy humans!

Still no snow?  God is giving you such lovely weather!  Ooh the abandoned prison looks haunted, Honey.  I don't think they'll let you in.  Here there's an abandoned courthouse downtown.  I've seen things move around in there from across the street while I was waiting for my rice vermicelli noodle soup.  My guess is that that you would have to provide a valid authority to the state government in order to gain access.  Knowing an official helps.  He probably voted for El Trumpo though, and will try to make you sleep with him.

I'm the only one in showbiz around here.  I guess I connect with the rest of the world.

Thursday, December 5, 2024



I love the Strat riff!  Very high energy, reminds me of cartoon chase scenes.  Very creative!  Well done indeed!

I have seen the guitar giveaway.  You did the right thing from your position.  Someone has to be the Rock Star, right?  There will always be people bitching about alms, so don't pay any attention to them.  However, the best way to give charity is directly to the people who need it, as quietly and anonymously as possible.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

89.  And say, "I am indeed he that warns openly and without ambiguity".

The Rocky Tract 15:89

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Now that's entertainment


Ah, you have another recording industry award coming.  Congratulations, Honey!  One thing you must understand as you are a Global Music Ambassador, is that most of global mass media are enemies of Allah.  They made enemies with me because of that, long before I even realized they were enemies of Allah.  That I have no stats is proof of that.  This is a serious problem for you to deal with because not only is it global but also Biblical.  You are still very young, so they will try to woo you.  Please don't choose them over me, because they really don't care whether you live or die.

I commented before on this blog about some other awards show, I think it was a music awards show.  Taylor Swift spent her whole evening at the event, and they tried to brew up some sort of rivalry between her and some other singer.  It was probably to attract attention.  Looking at the numbers, I noticed that the views on YouTube for the event were about 17k I think at the time, while a pimple popping video of the same age was in the few millions.  So I suggested that they turn the show into a pimple popping video.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Ranch dressing


Oh those dinosaurs are so cute!  What's your favorite dinosaur?  I like the really weird looking ones.  Isn't Lynn Goldsmith that super famous Rock and Roll photographer?  She must have been expensive to hire.  I hope you got some good photos.  I don't have a fascination with abandoned homes like you.  All I can see is about that is labor.  That black and white polaroid looks overexposed, by the way.  You need more practice with that stuff.

So have you had enough of fried chicken?  I had fried chicken last night!  Oh no I didn't make it myself: fried chicken is too damn messy, it's easier to buy it.  The strange thing about fried chicken is that even the best fried chicken in the world tastes like fried chicken.  The fried chicken at the local night market is really good but actually, I needed something to dip in my home made ranch dressing.  Yes Honey, I made a fresh batch of ranch dressing yesterday.  None of that powdered shit for me, I use fresh onions and garlic!  My home made ranch dressing is so thick and strong, it drowns out the taste of fried chicken.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

59.  Say, "See you what things Allah has sent down to you for sustenance?  Yet you hold forbidden some things thereof and others lawful".  Say, "Has Allah indeed permitted you, or do you invent to attribute to Allah?"

Jonah 10:59

Monday, December 2, 2024

Pot roast


That sounds totally awesome!  Yes Honey, the Strat really brings out rhythm chops, and make them as clear as ringing a bell.  I love how fluid you've become.  It's a hit!  It's a hit!

A little bit of beef goes a long way.  A burger patty amount of beef along with rice or bread with some veggies is a filling meal.  A pot roast is so easy to cook!  Just dump a chunk of beef into the pot with some bottled sauce, water and vegetables, cover it up, turn on the smallest fire, then leave it alone for 2 hours.  Expensive cuts of beef aren't suitable for pot roast.  The cheap cuts of beef have a lot of fat and gristle, but in a pot roast those are the best parts!  I was rationing beef last night, so I made a pot roast without veggies.  For the sauce I used some home made hot sauce, soy sauce and generic chilli sauce.  It's not a standard recipe, it's just what I had at the moment.  I cooked it until the meat shredded, then I separated the meat from the sauce, portioned them out and put them both in the cooler.

Sunday, December 1, 2024



I love the Strat!  I used to have a Strat, but I didn't get the chance to play guitar much during that time because I was by busy with the bass.  Nobody would play the bass right, so I took it.  That was both an advantage and a disadvantage.  Anyway, rhythm chops are more distinct on the Strat.

Not much going on here.  I've run out of peanuts, so I have to get more.  All that turkey you've been eating probably put you to sleep.  Chicken and turkey meat has that effect so if you need to calm down, eat some sliced turkey or chicken breast.  There's certainly a sleep culture happening all over the world.  Some people find it easy to fall asleep but for the most part, sleep is whenever you get it.  Especially for those with active minds.  Know for sure that there are many children who stay up listening to music when they should be sleeping.