Hi Natty! What's going on, Honey? I hope you everything is easy going for you over there. You're so beautiful, and I love you! Ever since I discovered that calzone trick for making pies, I can't seem to stop baking! Today I made curry pups. Not the boring old way like the video above, but like this:Dammit, I need a better camera! Please remind me to get one of those high-end cell phones with an awesome camera system, Honey. Here's what one segment looks like, and split open:That's Lookie's nose on the top left, by the way. Now one may argue that these are not curry pups, but stuffed buns. I guess it would be because I didn't cook them in a lot of grease, and that they are easier on the teeth. I might cook them the old-fashioned way if I felt like it. I think chicken pies are in the future inshaAllah. Don't worry Honey, I'll get that quiche done. I'm just dreading having to eat 10 eggs all at once again. These curry pups were easier to finish off.
Mary's outfit today is:
black leather undies by Kasi Tandino
*MC* Lulu Dress - Black
Alli&Ali Designs Scarlett Hair
coco necklace by LOUP30