Tuesday, December 31, 2019


Hi Natty!  How are you?  Wow, it's the end of the year already.  Time goes by so fast.  They say time crawls when you're young.  Is that so?  I don't really remember.  My youth was a lot of chaos, because I was a chaotic kid.  Nowadays, I feel like my time is up.  I need to be married.  There is no more career.  I am where I'm supposed to be.  I want to go to heaven.  I want to be with you.

It's Tuesday, and I'm running late because I just got back from the mosque.  Which is my normal time for getting back, but I went early to listen to the old master talk.  So I only now have a chance to blog.  After this I have to work on wardrobe with Mary Unknown7.  She's such a pleasure to work with.  I've been getting complaints that she's a diva.  Well that's because she is, folks.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Hi Natty

How are you today, my darling?  Keeping busy as usual?  I hope everything is smooth and easy for you.  It's a Monday over here.  There's nothing too unusual going on, just maintaining the routine as best I can.  People need routine.  Too much excitement is not conducive to raising a family.  I vacuum cleaned my mother's house in the morning then went out to buy some vegetables for her.  Lunch was a couple of cheeseburgers, and I also had a ripe papaya from my yard.  I don't usually eat papayas, but today I did.  In the evening after Mary Unknown7's voice training session, I continued to burn stumps using the firewood generated from the dead amra tree.  After that, I went to the night market to buy some food.  There was a lot of people there, of many types and colors.  And after I post this letter, I'll be heading out to the mosque.  Please take good care of your precious self, my love!  I love you!

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Nice boots

But the tips look like they're beginning to fray, probably from kicking things or people too much.  You better get the tips sealed as soon as possible.  It would be a shame to waste such nice boots.  So I have to guess where you are right now?  That grass looks civilized.  If you're in America, I would say you are in big city Arizona, Nevada or Texas.  Arizona winters are quite nice, as far as I remember.  Very comfortable.  Old people flock to Phoenix in droves for winter.

I'm sorry the holidays were a disappointment for you.  I could feel your disappointment at the soles of my feet, and in my dreams.  People disappoint, you know that.  I guess knowing and experiencing are different things.  It must be frustrating for you not to be able to talk about it, being the nice girl that you are.  Don't worry my love, just be patient.  Perfection is for the next life, in this life we all have to earn perfection.  At least Allah has increased you in beauty.  This is what most people want.  So please cover your bosom and lower your gaze.  I know you have to work, but otherwise don't show off your beauty.

I recently gave Mary Unknown7 a few new songs to learn to add to her set.  This is one of them:

Saturday, December 28, 2019

A better story makes a better Bond

Hi Natty!  How are you, my love?  Feeling better, and more collected?  Ah, it must be blissful to relax and warm your tootsies by the fire reading a book, and enjoy a nice hot cup of tea.  Or hot chocolate.  Me I'm sweltering here, it's hot, and hot chocolate is the last thing I want.  I want an ice pop.  Blackcurrant.

I don't normally check the tagged posts but hey, your big brother makes a pretty good Scotsman.  In training to be Bond?  James Bond is supposed to be a callous womanizer.  Don't get out of character!  He still looks a bit young: Sean Connery was 32 when he became Bond.  I sure hope the storytelling gets better with the Bond movies.  "SPECTRE" was deplorable.  It started off with potential, but then it got so shallow.  What a waste of a villain.  Don't make the villain young and good looking!  The villain is supposed to be an ugly old man!  Slow things down, give us more suspense and intrigue, not more action!  It's not that the modern writers after Ian Fleming can't write a good Bond movie.  "Skyfall" was good.  So was "Tomorrow Never Dies".  I suppose it's a general plague in Hollywood, the plague of lack of creativity.

I haven't had dinner yet.  I'm making fried flat noodles, which has been my usual fare for Saturday night.  I got all the meats and veggies chopped up, I just need to start frying.  Take care, my darling!  Calm your heart!

Hmmm... Mary Unknown7 has been looking very Japanese lately...

Friday, December 27, 2019


Hi Natty!  Was it a stressful Christmas?  I'm sorry about that.  Being Mrs. Global does have its worries, I suppose.  But don't you worry about a thing, my darling.  Relax, and enjoy the ride.  Everything is going to work out just great for us inshaAllah.  You are beautiful, and I love you.

I finally have a little bit of money, so I bought some of MY food, and made it for dinner: cheeseburgers and fries.  Yeah the locals may be hooked on rice, but I can't handle that everyday.  I'm more of a bread guy.  Rice is tedious to cook and to clean up.  Bread is cheaper to make than rice.  Thank God I know how to make dough.  I don't have the right oven for making buns, and I can't compete with the machines at making sliced bread, but I can still make bread for pitas, pizzas, and tortillas.  But dinner was cheeseburgers and fries.  Oh no!  I don't have gherkins!  Gherkins take 2 weeks to proof.  Until I buy the stuff in a jar, which is overpriced.