Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Running around

Yes Honey, I did a lot of running around today.  Well, not literally running using my feet.  I ran a lot of errands.  This morning I paid my power and water bills, had breakfast downtown, and bought breakfast for my parents.  After voice training, I went and bought some dirt for my Mom then planted some roses for her.  I don't why she wants to buy roses right now- there's been a lot of weather distortion lately, and it's killing the roses she already has.  But, oh well.  I had rice for dinner at Ina's.  I don't like commute, but it's better than walking I guess.  Someone please invent the teleporter!  I can't run very well, so when we are married inshaAllah, I will be following your run on motorcycle.  Then when you're done, we can go get ice cream or something.

I thought you were possibly back in school, Natty.  Now that I think about it, you did mention last year that you were taking a year off, and now that year is up.  I'm glad to see that it's been quiet for you.  Nothing like studying to help get lots of sleep.  I should have studied more.  You do me proud, and be an A student.  The world is at your feet Princess, and I am here for you.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Bee at the beach

Honey, you have got to try my curried liver chow mein.  My fried noodles taste great cold, so they make great leftovers alhamdulillah.  You can just grab a fork, and raid the fridge in the middle of the night, and I guarantee that you would go for my fried noodles and snarf them up cold.  The noodles soak up all the sauce overnight, and makes it milder whereas it was quite spicy yesterday.  Anyway, it's one more month until March, so my food project this next month is going to be Erin's food.  Ugh, vegetables!  Healthy food!  Bleah!  Zam has to eat too, you know!  Plus the cost of fresh greens and fruit is not something I have ever budgeted for.  Plus, dessert is a luxury to me.  Excuses, excuses.  I'll start off with a salad using name brand dressing, so I hope it doesn't cost too much per meal.

Aw Natty, of course I want to be with you when you go to the movies.  But it is not to be right now, please understand this spiritual path.  Which also includes your being a star, and I think this movies idea is going to work excellently inshaAllah, so please trust me and follow my lead.  It's time for you to see as many movies as possible on your cell phone/laptop, and socially is when you dress up for the occasion, because this is a serious business.  If your current group of friends don't want to dress up to watch movies with you, then I'm sure there are plenty of other people who would, you just need to find them.  All eyes on you Natty at the movies, so dress up and walk like a model even to watch it in your living room.  You beautiful star.


Monday, January 29, 2018


Hi Honey!  What's going on, Precious?  I hope everything is running smoothly for you and that you are keeping safe and healthy.  It's muggy here right now, so I'm just trying to keep cool.  I just had my dinner.  I had some chicken liver when I processed the chicken I bought a couple of days ago.  Do you eat liver?  Well you should, it's high in iron and good for you.  A chicken liver is pretty small, and there's not much there to make a full meal.  I thought I would make liver and onions to eat with steamed rice, but the there's not enough liver.  So I opted for fried noodles.  I marinated the liver in curry powder and made curried chicken liver chow mein.  The trouble is I had fried noodles already recently, so I'm all noodled out.  It was tasty though.  You want some?  Oh, liver isn't Erin food?  Is it?

Hey Natty Honey, I remember what happened the last time you got dressed up and went to the movies: you were the only one who dressed well, while your friends dressed blah.  So you felt uncomfortable and out of place.  Am I right?  Well if you look at the movie stars, they usually shine over the people they are with.  That's why they are called "stars".  You have to get used to shining like a star is supposed to shine.  No you don't have to act like a spoiled brat and throw food around, just dress beautifully and walk like a model when you go to the movies.


Sunday, January 28, 2018

Die Büchse der Pandora

Hi Honey!  How are you today?  I pray you are doing just great, and everything is going smoothly for you.  Oooh it was a hot day today, but it's cooled down a lot now.  I did my usual Sunday chores, then I spent some time with my baby mango trees in the evening.  "Why do I do these mango trees?" you may ask.  It's an endorsement, Honey.  Yes it is farming, but for me it's an endorsement.  I don't think you would approve of what I had for dinner.  I don't think it would be anything you would eat.  But I like fried chicken, and what I like best about fried chicken is the skin.  So when I processed chicken, I peeled off the skin and boiled it to make chicken broth.  Then I tossed the cooked skin in flour, and fried it.  So I guess it would be like fried pork rinds, except that it's fried chicken rinds.  No, it's definitely not Erin food!  Is it?

Natty honey!  I think I've figured out a perfect hobby for you, which is also a diversement (diverse investment) from your modeling profession.  I want you to collect and watch movies!  I think I brought this up before, because I'm sure you want to be a movie star or something.  Go and watch all sorts of movies, and make sure you dress up like a movie star, with the attitude and everything.  Then collect movies and have movie watching parties, and dress up for it.  Then watch all sorts of movies on your cell phone to pass the time.  You can do this Natty!  The results will be awesome inshaAllah!  For a start, I want you to watch this movie: "Die Büchse der Pandora".  Check out Lulu's attitude!

This dress is too slutty by itself, so I toned it down with underwear.  Do you think it worked?

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Lizard with a forked tail

Hi Honey!  How are you today?  Are you basking in the limelight, or are you basking under the sun on a tropical beach?  You beautiful, blessed love.  Either way, I'm always with you.  So keep heart, keep safe, and keep the faith.  Busy day for me, started early and still going.  I did manage to squeeze in a nap before voice training.  I went to the market in the morning and bought a chicken, so I had to process that.  Since I had fresh chicken flesh, I made chicken chow mein (which is fried noodles with chicken for those of you who don't know American).  Delicious, alhamdulillah!  Want some?

Hey Starlet!  Or should I say Movie Star?  Natty Honey, come and eat some fried noodles with me!  It's a bit spicy, I hope your precious tummy can handle a bit of heat.  Simple ingredients though, made from scratch (except the noodles of course).  Hey don't you ever feel lonely, because I'm always with you and always think about you and I care deeply for you.  You are a beautiful woman.  Go watch a lot of movies, Natty.  Dress to kill.
I got a visit from a lizard with a forked tail.  What does it mean?  A lying hypocrite!
I'm getting tired of dresses that are cut like this.  Next time I put a dress like this on, I'm going to spice it up a little.  This one didn't even fit properly, but I was short on time so I had to wear it and go.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Hi Honey

How are you feeling today, my dearest?  I hope business is running smoothly for you.  Please take time to get enough rest, and please pray.  The sun has finally come out here, but there are still a lot of clouds in the sky.  At least it's stopped raining everyday.  The crowd has calmed down a little, so it feels a little safer to go out.  Which I had to do anyway, because it's Friday and I had to attend the Friday prayer.  I also went and bought drinking water, and threw out the trash.  Ha ha ha life of a prisoner, huh?  It's a job Honey, and I seek my reward with Allah.

Nattikins, how are you?  Are you having lots of fun?  I'm glad you are eating sensibly.  It's important to have your body working properly when you have work to do.  Did you like the latest "Star Wars" movie, by the way?  I thoroughly enjoyed it.  I did feel a tiny little bit of dissatisfaction with the movie, but it's nothing I can't live with.  What was it?  I don't know.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Nothing much going on today either

Just stayed at home and kept out of sight.  Sometimes I will just stay locked up in the house and away from the crowd at the last minute, so please expect that from me when we are married inshaAllah.  I watched movies all day, and ate snacks.  How about you, Honey?  Still languishing at the beach?  How fun.  Please keep safe.

How about you, Natty honey?  You must be keeping busy.  Please keep safe OK?  I watched "Valhalla Rising" today.  It's kind of slow-moving for a viking movie, but good.  Vikings, huh!


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Just another average day

Hi Honey!  How are you today?  Are you still hanging around Costa Rica?  If that's want you want to do, then go right ahead Honey, you know you have my support.  It's just another day over here.  I'm posting this a little earlier than usual, because I want to eat my dinner which is rice and more of my Mom's fish curry.  I pray that Allah be with you and protect you with whatever you do, and calm your heart.  After all, it's all the same old day.  After all, God is the One Who makes it rain.

Hey Natty!  What are you up to, Honey?  Oh, you are being such a tease.  You are so beautiful, of course I would love to see you all the time.  Keep your cool and have fun with your career, and please pray OK?


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Qur'an 20180124

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

14.  The Arabs say, "We believe."  Say, "You have no faith, but you say, 'We have submitted our wills to God,' for not yet has faith entered your hearts.  But if you obey Allah and God's messenger, God will not belittle aught of your deeds, for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."

15.  Only those are believers who have believed in Allah and God's messenger and have never since doubted, but have striven with their belongings and their persons in the Cause of Allah: such are the sincere ones.

16.  Say, "What!  Will you instruct Allah about your religion?  But Allah knows all that is in the heavens and on earth: God has Full Knowledge of all things."

17.  They impress on you as a favor that they have embraced Islam.  Say, "Count not your Islam as a favor upon me.  No, Allah has conferred a favor upon you, that God has guided you to the faith, if you be true and sincere."

18.  Verily Allah Knows the secrets of the heavens and the earth, and Allah sees well all that you do.

The Inner Apartments 49:14-18

Mom's fish curry

Of course you should be who you are Erin, because you are a good person.  It's the evil people who shouldn't be allowed to be who they are.  You have shown a lot of courage lately.  Don't ever let others tell you that you don't have the guts.  Try to keep safe though, OK?  I'm proud of you.

Hey Natty!  How are you?  Keeping busy, I assume.  Try to inspect the set before you use it OK, and trust your instincts.  I know you have a sensitive tummy, but do try to enjoy good food where you are, especially in Paris.  I'm sure you know by now what you can eat and what you can't.

My Mom makes the bestest fish curry in the world.  I had that for dinner with lots of sliced bread.

Monday, January 22, 2018


How are you today, Erin Honey?  I'm guessing that you are very busy.  But don't worry, everything will be just fine inshaAllah.  Just please make sure that you give yourself plenty of rest and good food.  All this work means that so many people need you, and the plan is to retire and focus on raising your family with me, and I will be the one paying for that inshaAllah.  So please have faith and pray, and know how beautiful you are and that I love you, more than all those millions of people who love you too.

And Natty Honey, to tell you the truth I don't really know what's going on with you, so I'm just guessing.  What I do know that now is time for you to make lots of money for yourself, and now is the best time for your career, so I hope you will take advantage of that.  Or perhaps you are focusing on your education, and that's cool too.  Although it may be hard to be a regular undergrad with all the attention my girl gets, people will still want you to help them make a buck.  But whichever path you choose, please know that I support and love you, and I plan to marry you inshaAllah.  So please take good loving care of yourself.

Sunday, January 21, 2018


I finally got my appetite back.  So I planned to make fettucine alfredo with chicken for dinner.  But I'm still missing ingredients.  Even more than the last time I made chicken alfredo pasta, so it turned out even less perfecto than the last time.  I simply forgot to pick up the right stuff when I was at the supermarket, compromised to use what I had left in the cooler, and couldn't go out to get it when I needed it because it was raining.  All 3.  Well it doesn't taste bad, and it looks great, but it needs to be perfecto.  Are you feeling agitated, Honey?  Well relax, you've done this life a million times already, the only difference is that your stage got a lot bigger.  So strut your stuff and enjoy the attention.

How about you, Natty honey?  Are you feeling agitated too?  I'm definitely feeling agitated.  It's because I had to make my chicken alfredo pasta dinner with 4 vicious beasts hounding me and ready to pounce on my food while I'm still trying to cook it.  All of them waiting to make their move when I'm forced to turn my back on them and use the sink.  Yeah I could have locked up all the cats in the kitty litter room, but I didn't.  So it's another case of something I did to myself.  You need to learn to relax, and waste time.  Get a hobby!  Something you can do on your cell phone or laptop while you wait around.  Just be the wife of a Rock Star, and enjoy the ride.
Don't you think my shoes are so cute?  I just got a whole load of really cute shoes, and I just can't wait to try them out.  Depending on the outfit, of course.  Last night was my "average girl" look.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Sweet Dreams Intermingled With Nightmares

Of course you're going to have to go home, Erin Honey.  We both may be Pisces, but we don't have the reputation of being flaky.  Right?  It's almost time for the Super Bowl, and Ross is going to need his American Princess.  Sigh.  Life isn't supposed to be perfect.  You may have had a glimpse of the perfect feeling on that tropical beach, probably for much longer than most mortals could ever dream of, but it is balanced with a whole lot of ice and snow.  So go on home to the millions of men who want to marry you.  You are probably feeling your role as Mrs Global more intensely right now, and you are understanding how global economics work.  It's OK Erin, it's just a part of being successful, so put your fear in God not people.  Please be cautious with your next post.  Don't be afraid, just be cautious.  I love you.

Natty Honey, this next video is for you.  Being super busy and having the world go crazy around you is big business yeah, but humans need the mundane to steady their hearts.  We need that predictable routine so we don't stress out too much, so we can enjoy some excitement occasionally.  But if it's exciting all the time, then we can get heart disease.  So try to find a routine to handle all the excitement so you are able to center yourself, and your precious heart.  Don't worry Honey, I'm always with you, and I always think of you.  Everything will be just fine inshaAllah.  This video is creepy yeah, but it's the nature of big business as it pertains to you.  Fashion business.  Video number 3: Sweet Dreams Intermingled With Nightmares.