Monday, March 9, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150309

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello, my beautiful Erin.  How are you feeling today, Sweetheart?  You must be busy, so please take time to slow down and rest your precious heart.  Please pray.  I love you, and I need you.

It began to rain after my voice training today, so I couldn't do any yard work.  I watched the rain for a little while.  Ya Allah, thank you for the rain.  The rainfall wasn't too spectacular to watch, just enough to let the plants live.  So I stayed in the kitchen for the evening.  I still had that scad, so I made some stuffing.  I had some coconut, so I had to blend and squeeze that for coconut milk, then made light chicken curry for noodles, then turned the leftover coconut into stuffing by frying it up with the too-strong marinara sauce and lime juice.  Um yeah... it works.  Whoops, I don't want any of this stuff for dinner.  So I cooked up a sirloin steak instead.  I love steak.  I have a fresh loaf of sliced white bread.  Last night, I made steak and cheese sandwiches with cashew shoots, tomatoes, and home made mayo.  I gave one to my Dad, and my Mom made a big noise about my using cashew shoots.  Well, I didn't have lettuce.  One of my favorite desserts is bread, butter and sugar sandwiches.  I made two.  You want one?

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