Sunday, September 22, 2024

Sailor Moon


Let's take a look at all these fresh faces:
I feel that I can safely assume that none of you has ever been outside of the US.  Canada doesn't count, but Mexico does.  You will probably end up traveling more than I did, so get your minds ready.  Nobody speaks English outside of the US.  That is a generalization, but go ahead and put that in your pockets.  I'm sure you would be able to find plenty of "what not to do in Japan" videos on YouTube.  I've been to Japan twice, both times I didn't step outside of Narita.  The second time I was crazy enough to travel internationally while flat broke.  I didn't have money for airport tax.  Now that I think back on it, that was a chance for me to live in Japan.  But someone paid it for me, so a much belated thanks to whoever it was.

Shadowplay's Japanese connection is entirely cultural but massive, Masha Allah.  Boss, you better be ready to call lost and found just in case one of your boys goes missing due to a fuck fest with Japanese groupies.  There are two significant Japanese connections: the first is Sailor Moon.  I found Sailor Moon when I was in my 30's.  The most important literature is the original manga (comic book), and the first 5 seasons of the anime (cartoon) comprising of 200 episodes.  I have all of this.  If you were to collect and study this, be certain that the community would know and appreciate it.  I would have you study this, but you're out of time.  Incredible.  18 years old, and you're already out of time.  It would be best for you to cram in the anime while you can.

Saturday, September 21, 2024



No, you're not a monster.  You are MY girl.  You are sweet, beautiful, and you have a heart of gold.

Japan has a low crime rate, so you don't need to worry about that.  But they are fanatical about things like honor and work ethic.  Japan is a culture that centers on work.  Mary Unknown7 is big in Japan. Her stream airs at 2 pm Japan time.  Why do you suppose that you are scheduled to perform at 4:30 pm one day then at 7:30 pm the next day at the same venue?  I advise you to arrive early both days and stream from the venue.  Ask permission first.  Mary has a huge fan base in Japan, please don't waste it by not streaming when you are there.  You should also prepare an ad in Japanese to air during the stream promoting your upcoming show.  I'm sure someone speaks Japanese in Nashville.  Or just get someone in Japan to produce the ad..  Don't forget that you are a US official.  There has to be perks.  Do your research, Honey.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Internet culture


Congratulations on your award!  Did they give you a free Les Paul?  Also, I really like the clip where Dekar sings and I can hear you play a funky wah phrase.  Is that tune yours?  It's really good!  Oh, you're going to Tokyo!  Japan is a good choice for your first international gig.  Watch your stomachs!  I advise you and your gang to stick to McDonald's food.

I suppose I am a product of Internet culture.  If I had attained success the traditional way like you, I would probably had become a completely different person and our paths would never had crossed.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

The traditional way


That first slide is beautiful.  Yes Honey, I am well aware that you are still touring.  I do envy you and your rockin' life, but I don't.  I don't want to look upon thousands of faces and be adored and worshiped.  I am a servant of God.  It's great if you could fly instead of drive.  The road is exhausting and dangerous.  Travel is for the young, so have a great time Honey.

You seem intent on following the "traditional way" of doing music business.  Here's a video for you to study while you're sitting in your vehicle.  I like this guy's production, he seems well aware of music business plus he is familiar with current artistes.  The expense of being social outweighs income when it comes to music biz, so eventually friends turn against each other.  Your income is more efficient than the major stars, so keep it that way by keeping your social/business circle small.  Less traitors that way.  Don't desire what they have.  Be grateful with what Allah has given you.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Boss


Yes, keep that vote strap on.

So it's those guys, huh.  You sound out of place, like classic rock playing over Seattle grunge.  You really shouldn't respond to those guys, your dilemma is that you've already responded.  I need to remind you that you are a Rock Star, not a politician.  So stop being so nice to people who want to use you.  You are above them, so they want to use you until they use you up.  Ignore them from now on.  Behave like a Rock Star, for God's sake.  Or else they will treat you like a silly girl.

Maggie Rose!  I find that so hard to believe.  But when I study her post, I find no humility nor acknowledgement that you have surpassed her.  Her language reminds me of Eric's behavior on stage.  Maggie Rose is a tough call, Honey.  You're going to have to wait and see until she manipulates you to dump me and your dowry, or you to do something to make me dump you like being unfaithful or an alcoholic/junkie.  I advise you not to smile.  Maintain eye contact when you talk with her.

Don't you have your own vision to manifest?  You stream with Mary so you don't have to worry about money, so you can work on creating music with your band.  It takes a lot of work to write great music Boss, so stop wasting time being social.  You must cut back on guest jams.  Not only is it a political mess, but also extra work you don't need.  James Brown had singular vision, and was a serious taskmaster.  Behave like a boss, Boss.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024



Hi Honey, what's up?  Looks like you're home for a couple of days.  Not much going on here other than the usual.  Same old same old.  **Yawn**  I'm going back to sleep.

You will encounter persons who are enemies to both of us even though they seem OK, and they will try to convince you to abandon marriage to me and your stream with Mary.  Don't allow them to influence you.

Monday, September 16, 2024



Yes you do do that, don't you?  You don't need to tell me why.  And you always lead them into that.  We are musicians.  We do what we do because that's who we are.  It's important to manage your fear, so you don't become paralyzed by it.  I told before to put your fear in the right place, but you don't understand that.  Being completely fearless is not an asset, either.  I could tell you stories of how I bulldozed myself into the darkest corners, but I don't want to share it with the crowd.  Maybe one day, when we're having coffee together one on one.  InshaAllah.

So you don't have a permanent bass player yet?